February 11, 2017

Three Year Blogaversary!

Well guys I don't know how the time passed by but it's officially been THREE YEARS since I first started blogging! When I first had the idea of creating this blog I was a freshman in high school and I hadn't been to any book events or met any authors yet. However, I saw all these book bloggers talking about books and their time blogging online and I really really wanted to join them. So even though I had no idea what I was doing I created Never Ending Books (it was called Dystopian Books back then) and started posting.

In the three years since then I've become a senior in high school, been accepted to several universities, been to BEA 2015 + 2016 + tons of book events, met and became friends with a lot of bloggers and other book-loving people, and a whole lot more. I've met publishers, publicists, editors, authors, and a bunch of amazing people that I continue to talk with to this day. 

It hasn't always been easy, I've had blogging and reading slumps where I just couldn't find it in me to continue even though I really wanted to or sometimes I just didn't have the time because of school and life. Despite all that, I continued blogging because at the end of the day I wanted to blog and discuss books; it was something I loved and I didn't want to give it up.

So here's to another three years (I can't even imagine what I'll be doing in a year let alone three) or more. I'll be starting college in the fall and I'm sure it'll take up a ton of time and make my blogging less frequent but I fully plan to continue and keep blogging! So thank you to everyone who's visited my blog, discussed books with me, and been with me all these years and I hope that the following months and years will be even greater than the ones before.


  1. AHAAA HUGE CONGRATS ON 3 YEARS! What an amazing milestone and I look forward to reading your blog posts to come!

    xx Anisha

  2. Congratulations on your blogaversery and also on your college acceptances! What a wonderful thing!
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review
    Follow me on Bloglovin'
