January 22, 2017

Review of Fairest by Marissa Meyer

Release Date: January 27, 2015
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Page Count: 220
Format: Hardcover
Genre: YA/Sci-Fi
In this stunning bridge book between Cress and Winter in the bestselling Lunar Chronicles, Queen Levana’s story is finally told.
Mirror, mirror on the wall,Who is the fairest of them all?
Fans of the Lunar Chronicles know Queen Levana as a ruler who uses her “glamour” to gain power. But long before she crossed paths with Cinder, Scarlet, and Cress, Levana lived a very different story – a story that has never been told . . . until now. 
Marissa Meyer spins yet another unforgettable tale about love and war, deceit and death. This extraordinary book includes full-color art and an excerpt from Winter, the next book in the Lunar Chronicles series.

Unlike the rest of the Lunar Chronicles, Fairest by Marissa Meyer is a prequel to the events that happen later on. It was released between Cress and Winter but takes place many years before as we learn about Queen Levana's past and what made her the the way she is in future.

Marissa Meyer's writing in Fairest is just as good as in her other books with only a few minor issues to detract from it. As interesting as Queen Levana's story was and as much as it shed light on her later on I felt like Fairest ended a bit too quickly. There was a decent chunk of information and story but I definitely would have liked there to be more (especially about Luna). At the same time I wasn't expecting a prequel story like this to come out at all so I can't complain too much.

When it comes to the plot and characters they weren't as good as the characters from Cinder and the other books but still very good (we get the other characters for multiple books and these for 200 something books so it makes sense). Queen Levana especially stood out and as the book progressed I started to feel bad for her. I see now why she is the way she is in the later books but at the same time I feel like she still has the power to not act that way. The whole love/obsession story was really interesting as well and I definitely enjoyed reading about it, I don't think it was mentioned in the other books or if it was, barely. Fairest may not be as long or as good as the other books but every Lunar Chronicles fan should still check it out for the interesting background story and material.

4/5 - Pretty good book

1 comment:

  1. I read Fairest before moving on to Winter and I was so glad I did. Getting to see Levana's backstory was helpful. I felt bad for her at first, but then - not so much. She had a special brand of evil! Great review!
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review
    Follow me on Bloglovin'
